MVP Development - Guide for Creating Your Mobile App in 2024

a developer of a mobile app proceeding to the development of an mvp

To minimize risks in the mobile app development process, it’s crucial to start with an MVP with a limited scope. This guide will help you understand the steps needed to build and MVP and how to hire the right app developer to help you in this journey.

What is an MVP?

A definition I like to use for a startup is the one given by Steve Blank: “An organization in search for a repeatable and scalable business model”. This means a startup is an R&D company and everything you do at the beginning is testing assumptions. 

An MVP is the leanest version anapp that delivers value to your users while allowing you to test your core assumptions. The goal is to see if people actually want what you’re offering. If you start building many features, you will end up spending so much time and money that there will be nothing left for iterations. In other words, when planing for an MVP you also need to plan for future iterations (this is the true cost of building an MVP).

Why do startups need to build an MVP first?

For startups, skipping the MVP app development phase is a high-stakes gamble. Think about it: why spend months—and loads of cash—on a full-fledged mobile app when you know 11 out of every 12 startups fail? By developing an MVP first, you’re lowering the risk. You’re testing the waters to make sure there’s real demand for your app idea before diving headfirst into full software development. Plus, launching an MVP lets you collect user feedback early. In short, an MVP gives you the insights you need to iterate quickly and build a successful app that your users actually want.

How to hire a developer to build your MVP app

Hiring the right developer to build your MVP app can be tricky, and you need to pay attention to several factors. First, determine whether you need a freelancer, an in-house developer, or to outsource to a development company. Freelancers can be more cost-effective, but they may lack the full range of skills needed if you have very specific requirements. On the other hand, outsourcing to a company gives you access to a team with deep expertise, but this option can be more expensive and less flexible.

Next, consider the pricing model. A fixed-price contract works well if you have a clear understanding of the features and scope of your MVP. This approach helps you stay on budget but can limit flexibility if you need to pivot based on early user feedback. A time & material model, however, provides more flexibility, allowing changes as you iterate, but requires careful management to avoid overspending.

For a better understanding of when to choose between these models, check out this video, which explains when to opt for fixed-price versus time & material contracts depending on your needs. His channel is a goldmine for everything related to startups and tech, don’t hesitate to watch his other videos they are very helpful.

If you want to work with us, we are a product design and low-code development studio that exclusively works with tech startups. If you want to launch your startup and need help with the development of your MVP or product design, don’t hesitate to reach out and book a 30-minute discovery call.

Choosing the right tech stack for MVP app development

The right tech stack from the get-go can be an asset for your startup. On the other hand, the wrong decision could lead to unnecessary complexity, slow performance, or even increased development costs. For startups, you want something that allows for fast iteration. Scalability is something you want to think of, but don’t trade speed for it.

If you’re building a mobile app, cross-platform development frameworks like Flutter or React Native are great choices. They let you build apps for both iOS and Android from a single codebase, significantly speeding up the development process. No-code platforms, like Adalo or Bubble, are also gaining traction because they allow you to create functional apps without needing a full team of developers. These options are especially appealing if you’re trying to get to market quickly or have limited resources.

However, these are general suggestions that are true most of the time but I highly recommend asking a few experienced developers before making your decision. For example, if you’re aiming for high performance and complex features, going native with Swift for iOS or Kotlin for Android might be the better choice. You also want to choose the right type of developer. We can divide developers into two categories:

  • Experienced & slow:  They like to take their time and do things properly. They can cut corners but it’s not their default mode.
  • Frameworker & quick and dirty: They prioritize speed above all. They went through the pain of producing a work of art (or not; they may simply be lazy) to find out that no one wants their product.

As a rule of thumb, you want to start with the frameworker and over time, hire people who lean more and more towards the Experienced & slow guy. They both have their blind spot. The experienced guy is usually opinionated and less willing to adapt to new projects, while the frameworker hasn’t stayed long enough in the projects he started to see the full limitations of his choices in the long run.

Essential features to include when you build an MVP app

When building your MVP app, the temptation to add a laundry list of features is real. But the essence of a minimum viable product is simplicity. You need to focus on the core functionality that solves your user’s primary problem and help you validate your assumption. Anything beyond that can be a distraction.

In minimum viable product, people tend to focus on the minimum, but the viable is at least as important, if not more. You want to reduce the scope of your project as much as possible, but you want to build the few features you build well.

For example, if you’re developing a mobile app for fitness tracking, your MVP doesn’t need social sharing or personalized workout plans. It needs basic tracking features that give users value immediately. A login system, one core functionality which differentiates you with your competitors in one shape or another, and a clear user experience should be the focus. Keep the design minimal but intuitive. You’re not aiming for perfection—just enough to provide value and validate your idea.

The importance of user feedback and iteration

Once your app is live, the real work begins: listening to your users. User feedback is your most valuable tool during the early stages of MVP development. It’s the data that tells you if your app is meeting the market need or if something is missing. The whole point of building an MVP is to gather feedback fast, so you can make adjustments before committing to full-scale development.

Iteration based on this feedback is crucial. If users are telling you a feature is confusing or unnecessary, take it seriously. You should be prepared to pivot, modify, or even scrap certain parts of the app. This cycle of gathering feedback, iterating, and then testing again is what will eventually lead to a successful app. Without it, you’re just guessing—and in product development, guessing can be costly.

You should have tools in place from day one that help you track usage and collect insights. Whether it’s in-app surveys or analytics on user behavior, this information is the foundation of your next steps. The quicker you act on it, the faster you can evolve your app into something users truly want.

Common mistakes to avoid in the MVP app development process

Building an MVP doesn’t mean cutting corners—it means cutting the right ones. One of the most common mistakes is overcomplicating the MVP. Too many founders think their MVP needs to have every feature they’ve imagined. Wrong. The goal is to solve one key problem well, not to create a bloated, confusing product. A minimum viable product is about validation, not perfection.

Another mistake is ignoring user feedback or waiting too long to release the MVP. If you wait until everything feels perfect, you’ve missed the point. Get it out there, let your users break it, and learn from their behavior. Also, don’t get too attached to your app idea—be ready to pivot based on real-world data.

Lastly, neglecting scalability is a big issue. Yes, your MVP should be simple, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be built with future growth in mind. Make sure your app’s backend can handle additional features and scaling once your MVP proves its value.

How to measure the success of your MVP: key metrics in mobile app projects

Measuring the success of your app isn’t necessarily to the number of downloads. You need to focus on engagement, retention, and overall user satisfaction. A high download rate means nothing if people aren’t sticking around or using your app’s core features.

User engagement is one of the most critical metrics. Are users returning to your mobile app regularly? Are they interacting with the essential features you’ve built? These are strong indicators of whether or not your MVP is delivering value.

Retention rate is equally important. If users are dropping off after the first or second use, there’s a problem. You need to dig into your data and figure out why. Track behaviors like time spent in the app, frequency of use, and actions taken.

Finally, user feedback should guide your next steps. Surveys, reviews, in-app analytics, and talking face-to-face with your users will help you identify what’s working and what’s not. The more you iterate based on their feedback, the more your app evolves into a product that meets your users’ needs.

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